49% Of Americans Now Support Slavery…As Long As It’s Slavery To The American Military Industrial Complex

“Who owns you? Does the American State own you or do you own you? According to most American Christians, particularly those of a self-identified conservative bent, if you are an able-bodied male within a certain age range (which is always adjustable according to the “needs”/whims/desires of The State, of course), the American State owns you. […]
The Evil of Gun Control (1 Minute of Truth VIDEO)

What’s so evil about gun control? That’s a question we addressed in a recent post entitled What Gun Control Really Means, and that’s the question we aim to cover here in our third 1 Minute of Truth video: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can access the clip by clicking here. Please share it wherever […]
Baby Christian or False Convert? (1 Minute of Truth VIDEO)

Baby Christian or false convert? That is the question…a question we aim to answer in our latest video: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can access the clip by clicking here. Please share it wherever you think it might be appreciated (or productively agitating). If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing […]
Dollar Whores: How our fiat economic system proves there’s a little Harvey Weinstein enabler in all of us.

Thanks to God’s grace through Harvey Weinstein, we’ve gotten a reminder: You can pretend that up is down and wrong is right for a while – maybe even a very long while – but eventually the gig is up. Eventually reality crushes any fantasy built on an unbiblical foundation. That’s just how things work in […]
Who is Jesus? (1 Minute of Truth VIDEO)

Howdy and Happy Reformation Day! What better way to fan the fires of Reformation than by diving deep into the all-important question: Who is Jesus? To help inspire exploration on this most challenging and beautiful of subjects in an approachable and provocative way, we made the following one-minute video: If the above embedded player doesn’t work, you can […]
House Of Cards Indeed

Who knew Kevin Spacey could get even better at playing an American politician? As if our approach to politics, law, and leadership wasn’t gay enough or predatory enough already, this week brought news that Spacey, the legendary actor best known for his lead role as Frank Underwood in House of Cards, is both gay and a sexual predator. In typical […]
Catalonia Votes To Secede From Spain; State-Programmed Americans Confused And Suspicious

How cool would it be if there was a real group of people somewhere in the West who would actually take a stand by peacefully seeking independence from the massive Socialist State ruling over them? How neat would it be for an actual group of actual people to come together right here in the 21st century to peacefully pursue actual independence from such a […]
Why not revoke the government’s license to issue licenses?

What could be more idiotic than the notion of requiring a professional to attain a license from the U.S. government in order to practice their craft in “the land of the free”? Remember: The government in question can’t even figure out the difference between a boy and a girl. Or the difference between an actual marriage […]
“Indivisible” Government = Idolatry Of Government

Every time a so-called conservative in America argues for the “indivisibility” of any particular government above any particular people, which they can’t seem to help doing when it comes to their beloved United States of America, I can’t help but imagine Twilight Zone theme music accompanying their presentation. Throw in the fact that most of these […]
Vouchers vs. The Separation of Education and State

Let’s be clear about a few key facts: 1. Government distributed vouchers are Socialism. 2. Vouchers are the forced redistribution of resources in accordance with basic Marxist/Socialist principles. 3. Vouchers are funded through the confiscation (theft) of private property by using the coercive power of the state. I understand that there are many good, God-fearing, conservatively […]
Building Lifeboats Of Christian Culture As The American Titanic Sinks Beneath Our Feet (Part 2 – The Beautiful Basics)

So what do we do now? What do we as Christians in 2017 America do as the American Titanic – still swelling with pride and imagining itself to be unsinkable – breaks into pieces and disintegrates beneath our feet? What do we do? We build. We build calmly – as though we actually believe that […]
The Debt-Fueled Farce Of Dow 23,000 (And How We Sacrificed The Young To Get Here)

Nothing says American prosperity like the stench of young bodies burning in a furnace to fuel the rank Socialism of America for just a little while longer. As we endure the predictable waves of Dow 23,000 being pitched as “proof” of American economic strength and vitality, let’s remember how this magical, mythical, and utterly artificial stock price bubble […]
Know Your Flags

Nothing says scam like the ol’ switcheroo. And nothing screams switcheroo like the way we’ve been programmed to pretend that the current flag of the United States of America is essentially, if not literally, the same flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write The Star Spangled Banner back in 1814. The two flags are […]
Why #MeToo Still Likes Bill Clinton

Like a once nimble, happy gazelle suddenly finding itself trapped and suffocating under the gut of a giant toppled zombie elephant, Hollyweird is desperately clinging to life as it lies crushed under the weight of Harvey Weinstein. And that’s a good thing. Painful, tragic, and ugly, to be sure, but good nonetheless. In these early stages of what […]
Affleck’s Batman, Weinstein’s Super-Predator, And The Dawn Of Justice Over Hollywood

The cause, character, and continuing trajectory of the Harvey Weinstein scandal now consuming Hollyweird is, in essence, neatly summarized in one tiny little scene from last year’s big budget blockbuster “superhero” flick, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Before we dive into that clip, it’s important to note that this Harvey Weinstein thing is a Big Deal, and […]
How The American State Grooms Us For Perpetual War With Russia

Ask the average American public school product to find North Korea, Iran, Syria, or any of the other nations atop America’s hit list of the moment on a globe or a map, and you’re likely to discover that the same State-programmed children and adults most likely to cheer endless American military intervention around the globe are […]
Being Offended Is Not An Argument

Let’s face it: We’ve become a nation of emotion-driven little girls. We can’t process an argument. And we don’t want to. Which means that we usually can’t make an actual argument of our own. But we don’t want to do that either, so it’s all good. Things like truth, logic, facts, and objective reality are […]
Boy Scouts To Welcome Girl Members Because “Boy” Doesn’t Really Mean Anything Anymore

What does an organization called The Boy Scouts become when it starts admitting girls as members? Besides incredibly silly and dumb, I mean. We will soon be finding out since, as the GayP reported in an article adoringly titled In historic change, Boy Scouts to let girls in some programs, we are informed that the “Boy” part of […]
How To Tell When Someone Truly Loves America (Hint: Mark 1:15)

With all the talk, pressure, and propaganda flying around these days on the subject of what it means to properly love or respect America, this seems like a good time to consider the question: How can we tell when someone truly loves America? And how can we know when someone, regardless of what they say […]
False Flags vs. Real Action: Could the President please stop tweeting long enough to shut down the Department of Education?

So the President tweets endlessly about making people sing to the flag, yet he can’t seem to find the time to do something real like shut down the Department of Education. Coincidence? Probably not. Flag (and thereby State) worship is a primary function of the Temples of Statism known as American public schools. Shaping the […]
Compulsory Patriotism Is Murdered Patriotism

Compulsory patriotism is murdered patriotism. Just as compulsory charity is murdered charity. Both concepts flatline – or, perhaps better put: both concepts are radically transformed from something beautiful into something dark and destructive – once the voluntary component is removed from their core. Voluntary, in this context, is essential. It is everything. Voluntary is the antithesis of compulsion. Voluntary […]
If an abused wife can leave a marital union, why can’t an abused region leave a political union?

Abusers love control. They love to make “the rules”. Once given the ability to make those rules, they love to abuse through them. So it should come as no surprise that one of the most cherished and relentlessly promoted “rules” of abusers is that their power is indissoluble and indivisible. This works for both the garden […]
What Gun Control Really Means

Let’s be clear about one thing: “Gun control” is not about the elimination of guns. It’s not about removing guns from the culture. Gun control is about the consolidation of dangerous weapons in the hands of the most dangerous organization in all of human history: Government. Which leads us to democide, a term defined as […]
Decentralization, the *real* Gospel, and how we’ll soon wave buh-bye to Big Everything.

Big Government. Big Business. Big Education. Big Banks. Big Media. These are the Big Problems routinely propped up and promoted by the Big Political Parties on the Left and the Right. Oh sure, the Right regularly pretends to oppose Big Government and the Left routinely poses as though it’s not in the pocket of Big Business, but […]
There were two mass shootings last weekend. They will both impact your freedom.

What if just hours before the terrible mass shooting in Las Vegas, a “democratic” government deployed mass violence against citizens because millions of those citizens were daring to cast votes on a subject that the “democratic government” in question didn’t want voted on? How would such an event impact the gun control debate? How would a […]
Should “Salt And Light” Christians Take A Knee During The Socialist-Written, Socialism-Promoting Pledge of Allegiance?

Should those claiming to be “salt and light” in State-run children’s schools take a knee or protest/decline in some other way when prompted to take the Socialist-written, Socialism-promoting Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag? Or should they just be like the rest of the Socialists-in-training gathered around them and take The (Socialist) Pledge? Should […]
Beware The Emotional Ploy To “Put Politics Aside”

When someone says that we need to “keep politics out” of something, be it a football game or a recent tragedy, you can usually rest assured of one thing: A political agenda is afoot. What advocates of that agenda mean by “keeping politics out of ________” is that you need to keep your political opinions out […]
Catalans Vote For Independence; Federal Government Responds By Shooting And Beating Them

What do self-described “indivisible” governments do when pesky things like democracy get in the way of their claim to indivisibility? Put another way, what happens when a federal government pretending to be all about “the will of the people” is confronted with a majority opinion that says the federal government in question should no longer […]
What Barcelona Is Teaching America (And The Rest Of The World) About Freedom And Political Decentralization

While most “conservative” Americans have been racing to see who can bend over backwards the fastest to lick the proverbial boot of compelled American Socialism and defend the various icons, songs, and traditions used by the American State to prop up the notion of centralized power in Washington DC being an essential to life, liberty, […]
Is it ever okay to refuse to salute (or sing or pledge) to the U.S. flag?

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. ~ 1 John 5:21 Is it ever okay to refuse to salute the U.S. flag? Is it ever okay to refuse to sing the U.S. national anthem? Is it ever okay, or maybe even proper, to refuse to take pledges of loyalty to the indivisible power of whatever State rules […]
Why are “conservatives” using the blood of soldiers as a shield against criticism and a weapon against dissent?

When an emotion-fueled zealot can’t manage to stitch together an actual argument to accompany or justify their passion, they tend to double down on emotion and hope nobody will notice. If anyone does notice and dares to point out the problem, then the passionate snowflake in question usually defaults to crybully mode by tripling down on emotion in a desperate attempt to bludgeon, shame, […]
When Idols Collide: What is God showing us by pitting two American idols against one another?

While many of the conversations and commentaries supposedly aimed at examining the ongoing Patriotism vs The NFL drama are loaded with silliness and distract from far more meaningful points than they illuminate, there’s still much gold to be mined here. There are many worthwhile points to notice and questions to consider. Questions like, “What is God […]
Does the U.S. flag respect my economic freedom? (See: $20,000,000,000,000.00 National Debt)

What if a group of people conspired to sell your child into slavery? What if they conspired to sell you, me, our children, and our grandchildren into slavery? How would feel about the symbol of that organization? More importantly, what would you think of that organization and its identifying symbols? With all the “respect the flag” talk […]
Newsflash: Singing The National Anthem *IS* A Political Statement

Of all the mind-blowingly stupid ideas being tossed around during The Great American National Anthem Crisis of 2017, one of the more revealing nuggets of idiocy is the oft-repeated contention that those who are protesting by not singing the national anthem before a football game “shouldn’t mix sports with politics”. They “shouldn’t use that time to make a […]
Would the Founding Fathers say the Pledge of Allegiance?

Here’s a question that modern day America worshippers don’t want you to ask: Would the Founding Fathers pledge their undying personal loyalty to the indivisible power of the State above them? Would they consider such a thing? Would they make the time to take such a pledge? You know, when they’re not doing other stuff, like […]
When Uppity Christians Make “Conservative” Politicians Squirm

The whole “Jesus is Lord” thing is easy. To say, anyway. But once those three little words in that oft-repeated phrase are actually taken seriously and applied in real life right here, now, and in detail, things can get weird. Fast. In this, thoughtless use of the “Jesus is Lord” line is not unlike the Big Talk routinely spewing […]
Babies, Culture, And How Math Works In God’s Creation

Our “culture of death” has many faces, some of which we have no trouble confidently identifying and whining about at the drop of the hat. The horror of “legal” child sacrifice through abortion, for example, is an easy target for many on the Right side of the political spectrum (as it should be, of course). But what about […]
How Public Schools Routinely Abuse Children By Putting Them In Tiny Padded Cells

I know, I know…isn’t a title like “How Public Schools Routinely Abuse Children” a bit dramatic? Isn’t a line like “How Public Schools Torture Children” way over the top? For those of you thinking along those lines, please consider the following: Imagine that a homeschool family was discovered to have constructed a tiny little windowless padded […]
Building Herd Immunity Against Pro-Vaccine Propaganda

Wherever one stands on vaccines, and however firmly they may hold their position, we should all be teachable. We should all want to learn. We should all seek to be better informed so that we can make better decisions. To that end, I’d like to share two related resources for your consideration: The released film Vaxxed, […]
Hillary’s Hysterically Orwellian Take On “1984”

As any of us who’ve listened to “Progressives” address Scripture know all too well, reading comprehension isn’t really “a thing” on the Left. For all the arrogant, snide, and prideful preening common to pseudo-intellectual Progressives, more often than not, the more they talk, the more they make plain that they don’t know much about what they’re talking about. Which, of course, makes […]
How Creepy Clown “Conservatism” Sells America’s Young Into Bondage

Right now American children are being sold into bondage. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. But we keep doing it anyway. Why? This seems like a timely question with the United States’ national debt having recently crossed the twenty trillion dollar threshold (that’s $20,000,000,000,000.00) at the same time that the whole notion of a “debt ceiling” is about to […]
Yes, God made your smartphone (and everything else).

What do stars, trees, seas, and iPhones all have in common? God made ’em. All of ’em. 100%. He made the iPhone just a surely as He made the sun and the oceans, however much we’re inclined to pretend otherwise. One reason we tend to dismiss and avoid the notion that God really and truly […]
The Blessing Of Inequality

Let’s consider what is rapidly becoming a forbidden question: Isn’t it good that some people are made by God to be better than others in particular ways? And I don’t just mean trivial, unimportant ways. I mean in significant, life- and culture-impacting ways. People are that kind of different. Which is another way of saying that […]
Taxes In “Land Of The Free” Overtake Cost Of Food, Clothing, And Housing…Combined

As we’ve covered here time and again, thanks to the advent of property tax, it’s impossible for an American to actually own a home in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. We’re all renters. We are all serfs. The State owns every home in the land. If that wasn’t bad […]
Why True Freedom Is Now Un-American

What if you saw a very large middle aged woman with her back arched proudly and her nose pointed in the air as she slowly rolled through town on a big, expensive pink bike tricked out with all the latest shiny new accessories…including adult-sized training wheels? What if as this woman clumsily peddled her ridiculous ride down main street, barely managing to stay […]
America Goes Full Lee-tard

How suicidally stupid are we? How murderously moronic has our approach to even the most basic things (like simple words) become? How idiotically infantile is our grasp on reality? Well, howsabout this for a quick reference point: ESPN just pulled a reporter named Robert Lee from his assignment to cover a football game in Virginia. Not. Even. […]
White Noise/Black Hearts

Since we’re apparently in the process of taking yet another plunge down the postmodern path to State-managed societal chaos and increasing government crackdowns on little things like speech, we probably ought to take a sec to at least notice some of the reasons for our continued march into darkness, beginning with: Americans no longer think. We feel. We emote. And of […]
How to tell a baby Christian from a false convert.

A baby Christian repents. A false convert does not. I hope that this clarification is helpful. If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing Christian, we ask that you consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways: You can drop a few bucks in the tip […]
Hubaloo (And Other Words My Kids Make Up)

You know that “hubaloo” means helicopter, right? And that “moneema” is a synonym for water? And that “note” is another synonym for water? And that…oh wait, of course you don’t know these things, at least not unless you know my kids. One of the many cool unexpected things that my wife Holly and I have […]
Misery Loves (And Often Demands) Company

A lying tongue hates its victims, and a flattering mouth works ruin. ~ Proverbs 26:28 I can still remember coverage of election night like it was yesterday. The evening’s festivities began with jubilant “professional” prognosticators, pollsters, and political experts exuding the anticipatory joy of a spoiled rich kid waiting to get the keys to his […]
Can Snarky Language Glorify God?

Is it ever appropriate to speak harshly? Is it ever appropriate to speak in an irreverent tone? Is it ever appropriate to speak sarcastically? Is it ever appropriate to speak in a cutting, sometimes intensely critical manner? The short answer to each of these questions is: Yes. Not only is it sometimes appropriate to speak […]
Internet Culture, Lone Ranger Christianity, And The Pornification Of Church

Why settle for the ugliness of a local church body when you can have a much more attractive online version instead? Why gather with and commit to serving with a local bunch of often incredibly immature, confused, messed up, and biblically illiterate yahoos when you can instead bond with a group of awesome people who share your understanding […]
Priorities (and minivans…with air conditioning)

First world problems can be interesting things. Often kinda funny, too, in a humbling, softness-exposing way. For whatever providential reasons God has for orchestrating things the way He has over recent years, they’ve called for my family to experience an unusual amount of air conditioning problems in our home and car. (Again, this is only “unusual” if […]
As The Social Security Scam Nears Its End, Working Millennials Can’t Help But Notice They’re Being Pillaged While They’re Being Mocked

Do many Millennials have a well-deserved reputation for being lazy, self-absorbed, emotion-driven snowflakes with a mind-blowingly awful entitlement mentality? Oh yeah, sure. After generations of American parents singing the praises of overtly Marxist/Socialist constructs like public schools and Social Security, what else did we expect? Yet again and again we hear self identified conservative Christians express shock and […]
Republicans Preserve Obamacare (Again)

If only we had Republicans running the show in DC, we’d get small government, right? If only we had Republicans in control of the Senate, the House, and the White House all at the same time, we’d see the massive growth in American State power and American citizen dependence reversed, right? This is the rhetorical […]
10 Evils Parents Teach Their Kids By Sending Them To Public School

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall […]
What Seattle’s Socialist Insanity Tells Us About America’s Socialist Insanity

Stealing is the norm in America. This has been so for longer than any of us can remember because it has been so for longer than any of us have been alive. “We the People” steal from our neighbor all the time, and are vigorously encouraged to go right on doing so by both of the […]
Loving America As Free People vs. Worshiping America As State-Dependent Slaves

How important is it for us to love America rightly? What are the dangers of us loving America wrongly? The answers to both questions are shining brightly all around us as Independence Day dawns once again upon an American population that is more State-dependent than ever. We increasingly depend on the American State to take […]
An Awesome Opportunity To Make Disciples In The Political Realm

It’s easy to whine. It’s easy to complain. It’s easy to be a critic. Especially when it comes to politics and politicians. What’s not so easy is doing the hard things needed in order to encourage, equip, and guide political leaders in a Christ-centered direction. It’s easy to allow the “politician” label to take on a negative or prejorative […]
The Rise Of Decentralization And The Fall Of Fake News

Decentralization. It’s one of our most favoritest things to chronicle here at Fire Breathing Christian. The decentralization of media, education, publishing, industry, finance and political power is a beautiful thing, and it’s happening all around us as God empowers His people with technologies, tools, and opportunities undreamt of just a few generations ago. [For more on […]
Is God about to grind a proud, unrepentant America under His heel?

Okay, so with the latest in a long line of saber-rattling over Syria hitting the news this week, and our perpetual march to (ever more) war(s) seeming to lurch zombie-style ever closer to the Big Game goal of mixing it up with Russia, it seems like a good time to recap a few key facts: God […]
US Army Gives God The Finger (Again)

Pride kills. America is all about pride. You do the math. For those who are a little slow (or a lot in denial) where such simple calculations are concerned, the Lord is graciously piling mountains of undeserved (and generally unwanted) evidence all around so that none can coherently claim to have anything remotely resembling a […]
One minute videos: What subjects would you like to see addressed?

Howdy All, Over the coming weekend I’m hoping to finish and post the first couple of clips in a new series of one minute videos at the FBC YouTube Channel. The idea is simple: To offer high octane snippets of truth that plant seeds quickly in a compelling, provocative, and easily accessible manner. As we get rolling […]
Voluntary Exchange vs. Coercive Force (Or: True Freedom vs. American Socialism)

Is it okay to covet your neighbor’s property? And then take some of it? To spend on yourself? Or others? In America, the answer is a loud and clear: Of course! Especially if and when your neighbor has more stuff than you, and doubly so if they have a whole lot more than you. But […]
Economic Death Watch In The Land Of Lincoln

How perfect is it that “the land of Lincoln” is leading the way in dramatically exposing the unsustainable evil at the foundation of the American economic system? For those of you who haven’t heard yet, Illinois is teetering on the edge of default and/or bankruptcy. As reported by John Rubino and posted at ZeroHedge: “It’s been a long […]
America’s Pastor-Led Abandonment Of The Great Commission

Does your Pastor embrace the Gospel-fueled Great Commission? Or does he not? Is your Pastor all about the full life-, culture-, and civilization Gospel? Or is his gospel something smaller. Much smaller. As in: man-sized with no room for anything else. Sadly, it’s this little man-sized, eek-a-person-into-heaven counterfeit gospel that has become the norm in most self-described “conservative, Bible believing” […]
Christ-Centered Teaching Produces Christ-Like Character

Claiming to be a Christian does not make one a Christian. Few would disagree with this simple statement, though more seem to be inching (or flat out running) away from even this once obvious truth as our culture doubles down on an approach reality defined by emotion, subjectivity, and pet causes over objective truth and consistent standards. […]
American Military Celebrates Gayness; Begs For Wrath Of God Upon America

The formula is simple: Pride kills. Repentance and submission to Christ saves – it saves people, cultures, and civilizations – while unrepentant pride kills the same people, cultures, and civilizations. Those are the inescapable basics. And yes, this applies to America. So where are “We the People” in relation to the choice between suicidal pride and […]
What happened to Star Wars? And why does it matter? (VIDEO)

What happened to Star Wars? How bad was Episode VII? How much more damage will Disney do in Episode VIII? Why should these things matter to Christians? These are some of the questions we kick around in the latest post at the FBC video channel. This is something of a follow-up to an article we posted in […]
Some Thoughts On Economic Justice (VIDEO)

Why should Christians care about economic justice? What has God said about economic justice? (Hint: The answers to these two questions are deeply connected.) What has God said about our fiat economic system? More specifically, what has He said about the US dollar, and what are we supposed to do about it? These are some […]
Unplugging Sauron: Even Some In Washington Are Beginning To See The Trouble With Mount Doom

Even some fans of massive State power are beginning to grow weary of our increasingly Orwellian situation here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. In a rare flicker of good news on this front, an article posted by McClatchy yesterday revealed that at least some partial clarity may finally be coming […]
By what double standard? (A response to pro-AHA™/Lone Ranger Christian “journalism”)

Lest there be any confusion, this is a direct response to an article posted at American Vision in which I was referenced indirectly and implicitly again and again and again in a hit piece that, while making precise references obviously aimed at yours truly, diligently refused to directly link, quote, or engage with what I’ve actually […]
A Multigenerational Example: How The American State Purposefully Disables And Enslaves American Families

What happens when the State wages war on Mommy and Daddy? What happens when the State assumes the role of Mommy and Daddy after killing Mommy and Daddy? What happens when the State does the same to the church? Put another way: What does it look like when the State purposefully supplants and absorbs the […]
It’s time to recognize the flood…and build accordingly.

Prideful, unrepentant leadership…leading prideful, unrepentant masses of Americans. Apathetic, impotent American churches. Unbiblical, authority- and discipline-despising movements masquerading as “true Christianity”. Rampant State dependence and the open worship of America itself, both promoted and enabled by wicked political leadership and apathetic church leadership. A gender chaos movement that effortlessly sweeps and transforms the culture under the “shocked […]
Drag queen performance “horrifies” parents at public school talent show…but not enough to yank their kids from public school, of course.

If you thought that something like a literal drag queen erotic dance performance at a public school talent show would be enough to get parents to yank their kids from public school, you’d be wrong. Oh, but don’t worry, the parents in question were “horrified”. They were “outraged”. Like they always are when they hear about […]
One Way Or Another, Our “Free Money” Heroin Habit Is Coming To An End

The stock market soars. Home prices skyrocket. Our military grows, both in size and scope of activity. And we think that all is well…or at least better than it was yesterday. Clearly we are in denial. Serious denial. Denial of our addiction. Denial of our dependence. Denial of our bondage. And as tends to be […]
What is the purpose of unbelievers?

What is the purpose of unbelievers? Thankfully, there are several clear answers to this intriguing question, though, as one might expect, those answers directly confront and agitate the man-centered way of measuring reality that we, as people, tend to prefer. We want to believe that God’s plans center on us, we want to believe that the measure of His success […]
New FBC videos on gender chaos, freedom, and American Socialism.

Hello All, As we mentioned last week, we’ve recently started tinkering with a new video channel in support of the Fire Breathing Christian mission. The general idea is to provide simple, straightforward video commentary in line with the articles we share here at the site. Here are the first four videos posted (with the most recent listed […]
The 10 Planks Of American Socialism

One of the most surreal aspects of modern American culture is the manner in which the vast majority of self-identified conservative Christians have simultaneously embraced three bizarrely (and embarrassingly) contradictory approaches to life: We’ve become stark raving Socialists in practice. From public schools, Social Security, and Medicare to the State-licensing/controlling of finance, industry, medicine, media, […]
FBC Video Episode 1: Are we educating ourselves to death?

Howdy All, The first clip recorded for our new video channel is up and running. You can check it out by clicking on the play button in the embedded player below: If the embedded player doesn’t work for you, you can click here to access the video. From here on out, we plan to share the audio portions […]
To bow or not to bow: President Trump, American pride, and submitting to the King.

To bow or not to bow. That is the question. Or at least it has been over the past few days of President Trump’s diplomatic adventure to Saudi Arabia. While there’s a truckload of strangeness worthy of examination where the nature of Saudi Arabia and its relationship the United States is concerned, the hope here is to take this opportunity […]
Reaping What We’ve Sown

In case you haven’t noticed, repentance isn’t exactly “a thing” here in ‘Merica. Pride is. ‘Cause we’re clearly God’s favorite. Without America, what would God do? What would He have to work with? Not much, as far as Americans are concerned. Which is why, when it comes to our many openly unbiblical approaches to business, politics, […]
How Mommy and Daddy America sold their kids into slavery.

“When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money.” ~ Putting It Simply, as published […]
Coulter Gets A Clue (Sort Of)

Here we are not even four months into Trumptopia and things are already so bad and so disappointing on so many levels that even Ann Coulter is noticing…and admitting that she’s noticing. Here’s how The Daily Caller addressed Coulter’s semi-awakening in an article posted yesterday: “Conservative author Ann Coulter was one of the most vocal […]
How State-weaponized churches promote State-centered religion…and what to do about it.

Whatever the State can license or regulate, the State will weaponize to the benefit of the State. Whatever the State can control, the State will use to secure and expand the power of the State. Whatever the State is allowed to oversee or manage, the State will oversee and manage in a manner that facilitates […]
The Twilight Of Our Twilight Zone

Bruce Jenner. Bill Clinton. Donald Trump. America. Rebels come and rebels go. Wannabe empires rise and fall. The Kingdom of God advances over and through ’em all, building on the smoldering ruins they leave behind after breaking themselves upon the unbreakable Law of the Christ that they will not have to rule over them. So […]
DC isn’t the answer. DC is the problem.

What is – or should be, anyway – the most glaring lesson of the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump era? What should be the most obvious truth revealed by the manner in which DC has operated over the past several decades (if not over the past century and a half or so)? One glaring, flaming, white hot revealed truth that should certainly […]
How To Drain The Swamp In Three Simple Steps

Wanna drain the swamp? I mean really drain the swamp. Starting right now. Contrary to popular opinion, it can be done. Yes, really. Here are three simple (not to be confused with “easy” or “small”) guaranteed-to-work steps: Take self government seriously. Strive to know and submit to the loving, life-giving and culture-defining Word of God in every beautiful […]
Looking For Frodo (To Run For Congress)

Back when the Trump Train was steaming through the Republican primaries last summer, we asked two questions: Can overtly unbiblical power be seized and reliably used for good? Or must it be destroyed? The reason for asking had a whole lot to do with the fact that politically active professing Christians in America were yet again […]
See you in Appomattox!

It. Is. ON! The third annual Great Education Forum is this weekend at the New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy in Appomattox, Virginia, where I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to make the event’s first presentation. My subject: The Satanic Foundation Of Public Schools (with a focus on Genesis 3). Please pray that this mission will be […]
The Dying Dinosaur Of Centralized Education

Dinosaur media empires are dying. Dinosaur business empires are dying. Dinosaur political empires are dying. But perhaps the most exciting (and important) news on the dino front is that dinosaur models of education are dying, too. By God’s grace and right in the nick o’ time, an age of radical decentralization is beginning to dawn all around us, and while […]
We won’t drain the swamp of thieves until we drain the swamp of power.

Many who passionately pulled the proverbial lever for The Donald to be come The President did so because they basically wanted to, figuratively if not literally, blow up the DC establishment. They wanted to drain the swamp. Or so the slogan went, anyway. But as with many things in general, and most things DC-specific, the […]
Let’s get the State out of our children’s heads, shall we?

Goliath towers. He thinks big, talks tough, and actually seems to believe in the inevitability of his victory. His gaggle of hangers-on and yes-men cheer him on and bask in the glow of his largeness, toughness, and perceived inevitability. Then he gets popped in just the right place at just the right time and goes down. […]
Our Satanic Approach To Education Reveals Our Satanic Approach To God

One of the basic lies that we believe – and love – is the notion that we can have Jesus’ stuff without having Jesus. Prosperity. Peace. Love. Beauty. Justice. Security. Law. We actually think we can pursue these things in a legit manner apart from explicit subjugation to Christ. In a very basic (and hopefully obvious) sense, this […]
Eye has not seen and ear has not heard…what sinless culture will look like.

“. . . no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” These oft repeated words from 1 Corinthians 2:9 (which are themselves quoted from Isaiah 64:4) are very familiar to Christians. While not quite attaining the greeting-card standard status of passages […]
If a system can’t define “boy” and “girl”, we shouldn’t send boys or girls to that system for an “education”.

What is a boy? What is a girl? These days, nobody seems to know, particularly the “professionals” running the State-managed children’s education system in America. After many generations of immersion in a State-run, Corporate-managed approach to education lifted from the serpent’s tongue in Genesis 3, we’re so far down the rat-hole of anti-Christian, State-centered discipleship that we can’t […]
Confronting The Myth Of Neutrality

People love to pretend. We love to pretend that we can be good without God. Why? Because pretending to have the ability to be good apart from God helps us to pretend that we can rightly understand and pursue things like law, art, politics, economics, and education apart from God. Which all helps us to pretend […]
The Neo-Con Goes On And On

Another week, another war. Welcome to 1984. Again. With the insanity of North Korea upon us, we are well served to at least pause long enough to notice that no matter the President, no matter the Congress, we are and have been for some time now an Orwellian Super State hell-bent on perpetual war…for the […]
Confronting (or at least noticing) America’s coordinated wars on privacy, liberty, freedom, gender, family, and Syria.

As we roll from last week’s story of the American Surveillance State spying on an American President-elect into this week’s story of the American Military Industrial Complex clawing its way to within talon’s grasp of securing yet another war on the other side of the planet, we are well served to note two primary attributes of the tyrannical nightmare state described in Orwell’s […]