Love, Truth and Theonomy

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A Cool Moment At The State Capitol

Howdy All, I hope that this post finds each of you well and that the Lord is moving you even in this moment toward deeper adoration, pursuit, and application of His nature. As many of you know, these past couple of weeks have been extraordinarily busy for me at my day job as a Legislative […]
Lowered Expectations: When the Gospel Gets “Left Behind”

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank you […]
Christ, Culture War, and the Gospel-fueled Great Commission

What is the true Gospel? What is the biblical Great Commission? And what is the inherent cultural impact of that Gospel-fueled Great Commission? I had the awesome privilege of once again joining the Stand Up for the Truth program for most of the hour’s broadcast, where we kicked around these big, important questions and had a blast […]
How to Wreck (or Save) a Culture

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank […]
The definition of success, the purpose of education, and how we’ve completely blown it on both counts.

A few weeks back, I had the opportunity to chat with a couple of very nice “education advocates”. Here in Tennessee, momentum has been building against Common Core’s use in State-controlled education systems. As part of a push from the pro-CC side, lobbyists and activists of all sorts and stripes have been dispatched to convince […]
Stick People for Jesus – An “Accidental” Comic

Last week, I realized that the comic strip I’d planned on running here as a regular part of Fire Breathing Christian just wasn’t gonna work out. It wasn’t gonna happen, and I was bummed. After much effort was spent over several months’ time, I couldn’t get what I’d drawn on paper to convert well enough into a […]
Jedi Say the Dumbest Things

If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank you […]
Encouragement from Satan

If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing Christian, we ask that you consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways: You can drop a few bucks in the tip jar by making a one-time donation through PayPal. You can make a regular contribution by joining our monthly […]
Devil’s Ed. 101 (The Prequel)

This is an inverse of the last cartoon, Devil’s Ed. 101. After thinking about that one a bit more, it seemed like a good idea to go back to show the proper order in which the Satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge was first spoken and then emulated…by us…right up to today. For a […]
Devil’s Ed. 101

For a more comprehensive, detailed biblical presentation on this important subject, please read Redeeming Children’s Education: Confronting Our Satanic Approach to the Pursuit of Knowledge. If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on […]
The Awesome Gospel

~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook, “+” us on Google+, follow us on Twitter and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the buttons in the upper […]
A Tale of Two Churches

If you’ve benefitted from the work done at Fire Breathing Christian, we ask that you consider financially supporting the cause. You can do this in one of three ways: You can drop a few bucks in the tip jar by making a one-time donation through PayPal. You can make a regular contribution by joining our monthly support […]
Which Jesus?

~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on Facebook and feel free to sign up for new articles by email using the button in the upper right corner of the FBC home page. Thank […]
If we love Him, we will keep His commandments.

This is the first published version of what has gone on to become the Stick People for Jesus web comic here at FBC. ~ If you know of anyone who might appreciate this post, please share it. If you’d like to help support the Fire Breathing Christian mission, please click here. Please also “like” us on […]
American Culture as the American Church’s Report Card

In light of the Gospel-fueled Great Commission of Jesus Christ (see: Matthew 28), the present condition of the American culture can be rightly described as a “report card” for the professing Christian church in America. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore […]
The Serpent’s Ongoing Education (and Control) of the “Bible Belt”

So there I was, sitting through the second of two similar Tennessee State House hearings on the subject of education, in which Marc Tucker addressed two different Education Committees, when it hit me (again). The “it” in question was this: We apparently have no idea as to what education is, much less what a […]
Easy Button Christianity…the Devil’s (and most Americans’) favorite kind.

If there’s one thing the Devil loves, it’s “easy Christianity”. Fortunately for him, America loves it, too. Easy Christianity is our favorite kind of Christianity. While there are many varied ideas as to exactly how the “easy” part is best applied to religion in America, the unifying theme of apathy- and laziness-enabling perversions of biblical Christianity is […]
“Theonomy” is dead! Long live Theonomy!

The title of this post is my spin on the closing line from an article by American Vision’s Joel McDurmon, who recently debated Jordan Hall (of Pulpit & Pen) on subject matter central to theonomy. While I’ve not yet seen the debate (cannot wait! …but will have to), and I anticipate numerous future opportunities to tackle many […]
Zero percent interest and how today’s young were sold into slavery.

Year after year (and especially in election years), we hear the same bold, clear warnings and moaning from a political class trying to keep us on board with their program for just one…more…election… We hear it from the Left. We hear it from the Right. Both mouths of the two-headed dragon speak in harmony. “Future generations […]
The 7 Most Important Differences Between Islam and Christianity

With ISIS now regularly cutting a bloody swath through our consciousness by way of nightly news clips and high def online presentations, and with President Obama unable unwilling to honestly deal with the glaringly religious motivations behind these Muslims’ ongoing murderous rampage, secular conservatives, including a great many professing Christians, have taken to citing differences between Christianity and […]
Get with the Big Gay Program…or suffer the economic consequences.

The anti-Christian economic momentum spearheaded by unbelieving elites atop Corporate America seems to shift into a higher gear with each passing month. Where once it was stunning to hear of such things as Christians being fired for their fidelity to Scripture on the subjects of family, marriage, and sexuality, now such tales have become the expected norm. […]
Finger Puppet Soup and the War in Ukraine

Rosie will be two in March, and some of her favorite things in the known universe are “hot soup” and “fingapuppets”. So it should come as no surprise that she found a way to combine the two. “Hot soup” has been a Rosie fave ’round here for a long time now. Watching mommy make things […]
Why treating God like Charlie Brown’s mom is a really bad idea.

For the vast majority of professing Christians in America, their claim to Christianity centers on little more than their claim to Christianity. Put another way, they are Christians because they say that they are Christians. Their emotions tell them so. Their pastors or priests tell them so. So it must be true. And if you even […]
Loving America by Killing the America Idol, Part II

If the conflation of Christianity with America has indeed been one of the most effective tools for the advance of Statism (as discussed in Part I), and if the “America Idol” has been enshrined and worshiped for generations now even by most professing “conservative Christians” in our land, then it stands to reason that there would be many clear, […]
Loving America by Killing the America Idol

The conflation of Christianity with America has become one of the most effective tools of Statists in corralling, co-opting, and controlling the “conservative” masses here in the “land of the free” and the home of the NSA. I was reminded of this when I recently bumped into a Tea Party advocate manning a small display at […]
Christian Fellowship, Church Building, and the Great Commission – Stand Up for the Truth Radio Show (February 13, 2015)

What did the first century church look like in action? How was it built? How was it similar and how was it different from the many churches currently operating and claiming to be Christian in America and the West? This was the central topic of today’s Stand Up for the Truth program. I was privileged […]

Wolfgang Daniel Buss was born on Tuesday, February 10, at 4:35 p.m. He clocked in at just over eight pounds, six ounces in weight; and 21 1/4″ in length. He even launched with a full head of hair…and decent sideburns. Holly and I are thankful, blessed, and thrilled beyond expression to have had this little bundle of […]

Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you smell it? There is a dark terror stalking the land. [insert Darth Vader breathing here] A great evil has come. And it is hungry. [add Jaws theme music here to accompany Darth Vader’s breathing] It feeds on misery and pain. Few can imagine the horror […]
What’s the difference between a bankrupt Greece and a bankrupt America?

So Greece is bankrupt. Really bankrupt. Western Banksters are railing (and licking their chops). The Greek people are in despair. The Greek economy is in shambles. Most Greek young adults are unemployed and have such grim prospects that they are leaving the country when they can. And the Euro-zone is on the brink…of something…probably something […]
How “free public schools” make us all renters from the State.

Remember when you could actually own a home in America? The answer is: No, you do not. Even if you think that something like true home ownership was recently or is presently allowed here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA, you are simply wrong. As with most of the […]
Inflation Kills. Purposefully.

Inflation kills. It enslaves. And purposefully so. As Christians, we’ve been called and equipped with God’s essential, life-defining Word on all things, including economics. As such, and as a part of our Great Commission mandate to make disciples who do all that He has commanded (see: Matthew 28), we ought to take a look at the […]
How “Christians” Feed America to the Serpent

One of the greatest – and easiest – accomplishments of the enemies of Christ in our culture has been the proliferation of popular systems, movements, and philosophies aimed at steering the attention, energy, and resources of people toward anything but the Gospel as the solution to…well…pretty much anything in “the real world”. The belief that […]
What is the ruling law of our land?

What is the ultimate ruling law of the land? And I mean right here and now in 2015 America. The biblical answer is crystal clear…and dismissed out of hand by most American “Christians”: The ultimate ruling law of this land (and every other) is, has always been, and shall forever be the unbreakable Word of God. […]
Why Bruce Jenner is not “transitioning into a woman” and secular conservatism is not “transitioning into Christianity”.

Sometimes, if you’re not in the right place, things like Drudge Report headlines can be really depressing. Or really inspiring. Or a mix of the two. This week we got an added dose of “really creepy” to go with depressing in the form of a link to People magazine’s story covering the ongoing degenerative mutation […]
Former PTA President Champions Playboy-style “Socialization”

I know that right now it can be hard to imagine winning. . It can be hard to imagine children and a culture freed from the State here in “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA. . But we will win. . By the grace of God through the Gospel-fueled Great Commission, His people […]
Beware the “Gospel in a Bottle”

It is beautiful. It is captivating. It boasts an inspiring, powerful message presented in the most stirring of words – language more than capable of making eyes weep and chins quiver with emotion. It comforts millions with its sweet, spiritual sounding assurances of safety and salvation. And it is presented as a gateway to infinite spiritual depth…all while bobbing harmlessly on […]
Stand Up for the Truth Radio Show (January 27, 2015)

I was blessed once again to appear on the Stand Up for the Truth program with Mike, Amy and the crew. We spent the first segment (20-25 minutes) together talking about a variety of things, including the inherently confrontational, corrective, and therefore very offensive nature of the true Gospel. We had a very good caller […]
Our Love of Money and Child Sacrifice

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:10 This passage, as many, tends to suffer from one (or some combination) of three treatments at the hands of people […]
Rosie, Busgetti, and the Beauty of Catechism

In the wake of her successful campaign for Tennessee’s “Yes on 1” (see pic above) and with our beloved Rosebud about to turn two this coming spring, we knew that it was time. Bible memorization and catechism time. Rosie’s shown a lot of promise on the linguistic front as we’ve ramped up to this moment. She’s counting […]
Banksters, €uro-madness, and the price of your groceries.

Though far more Americans are aware of and talking about the under-inflation of Tom Brady’s footballs, an infinitely more important and impactful inflation-related issue has been building publicly for months (if not years) now, culminating in today’s announcement by the European Central Bank that they will begin a massive, multi-trillion Euro “quantitative easing” (aka “money printing”) […]
“The state of our union is strong!” (and other culture-killing lies that “Christians” enable)

One of the most telling signs of our vulgar and prideful animosity toward Christ the King is our comfort with the knowledge that He will not be addressed by our “leaders” in a formal, official context in anything but the most vague, superficial sense, if at all. He may be cited or used as an […]
€ndgame: The Death of Oil, Banks, Bailouts, and Bondage

There’s little doubt that sub-$2 gas at the pump is a beautiful thing to many, and for good reason. For those struggling to exist under the purposefully increasing weight of a system designed to drive the average person ever deeper into the arms (and control) of the emerging Orwellian American Corporate State, “cheap gas” is […]
How to Kill the Two-Headed Dragon (Before it Finishes Killing Us)

It’s “State of the Union” season in America, that special time when each head of the anti-Christian Progressive dragon that is enslaving and devouring us more with each passing day takes a moment to tell us what’s going on, why it’s happening, and how wonderful it’ll all be in the end. In tonight’s installment, […]
The Curse of Magic Christianity: Praying that God will do miraculously what we refuse to do through obedience.

Why do we pray for God to “magically” do what He has commanded and equipped us to do through His Spirit and Word? Why do we pray for God to “do something” to protect our children from the consequences of the very things that we personally encourage them to pursue and experience in direct violation of […]
Heaven Is Fo Reals! (And other extra-biblical “revelations”)

People inherently love to learn about Jesus and Heaven. Not the real Jesus or the real (purged of sin and unrepentant sinners) world to come, of course, but the happy, fluffy, man-affirming versions that they’ve made up in their self-referential little heads. You know, smiling, happy, uncritical Jesus, and “everybody but Hitler will be there” Heaven. As for […]
The America Idol: How Christians Worship and Enable the Anti-Christ State

Okay, so we all know that Barack Obama is openly and quite religiously worshipped by many folks on the Left. Tales of the ridiculous and blasphemous extremes to which his followers often go to express their adoration have become tragically common. As such, they’ve provided fuel for countless jokes and condemnations aimed at Obama […]
Redeeming Children’s Education: Confronting Our Satanic Approach to the Pursuit of Knowledge

Last year, in the first few months of (near) daily posting at the Fire Breathing Christian blog, I wrote several articles on the subject of children’s education. Three of those posts were constructed around notes I’d made for a sermon that I’ve since been blessed to share with many Brothers and Sisters who are struggling mightily by the […]
Ten problems with the “salt and light” excuse for feeding children to the State.

Here in 2015 America, there is little doubt that we are being blessed by God with a return by more and more of His people to the loving detail of His Word when it comes to the vital, culture-shaping subject of children’s education. Let’s not lose sight of this beautiful truth. Let’s celebrate it and thank God […]
Ten answers to those “What about socialization?” questions from public school advocates.

Evidence of the evils of State-controlled children’s education continues to multiply, amplify and explode all around us, but in a culture still loaded with minds molded on State-run assembly lines, those evils are typically dismissed, ignored, or even spun into virtues. This is the climate into which God has placed His people. Even now in America, […]
The Insanity and Consequence of Islam (and all anti-Christ worldviews)

In the wake of yesterday’s attack by militant Muslims on the headquarters and staff of the magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, we’re being spun and propagandized even more intensely than usual by a world at war with God. We really do need to remember that. As ambassadors for Christ the King and the only agents capable of […]
Congress is Christian! Woohoo!

What if Americans overwhelmingly chose Christians to represent them in government? What if the United States federal government from the very tippy top on down was overwhelmingly comprised of Christians? Well guess what? It is! Yessiree, it’s true: According to a recent survey by Pew Research, nearly 92% of the incoming United States Congress is Christian. How […]
Are unending Rocky sequels a sign of God’s judgment upon us?

Are unending Rocky (and Rambo) sequels a sign of God’s judgment upon us? Is that even a question? Of course they are! And yes, if you haven’t heard already, this is not a drill: New Rocky and Rambo flicks are in the works…again. While there is no explicit mention of Rocky XII or Rambo: Thirteenth […]
The Beauty of Orcs

Ever been stopped in your tracks by the sheer beauty of an orc? Have you ever been compelled to pause and ponder their captivating and inspiring nature? Have you ever thought of how thankful you and the rest of the world should be for their particular flavor of loveliness? Of course, I’m not talking about physical comeliness or attractiveness here. Orcs […]
Exodus: Gods and Kings and Morons

As many have already noticed, there are some very cool stories in the Bible. Supernaturally cool and, better yet, true stories. One of the sweetest – yet most overlooked – aspects of the presentation of these supernaturally cool true stories by God in history and His thoughtful preservation of them in the loving, vivid detail of His Word is the fact that […]
Decentralization and our Christian duty to confront the economic rape of civilization.

Decentralization. It’s a good thing. A great one, actually, especially from where we stand now. The increasing unbiblical centralization of power in the hands of an unbelieving (read: “anti-Christian”) elite is one of the defining trends of American history. All of it. While developments along these lines have picked up steam in recent generations, the seeds […]
One year closer to the perfect world to come…

It’s an awesome thing, this mission we’ve been given: And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them […]

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, […]
The Sony/America Puppet Show

So Sony supposedly got “hacked” by North Korea…or Russia…or China…or some combination of the three. That’s the story, anyway. Confidential emails were subsequently leaked, relationships were compromised, and, ultimately, the opportunity for an apparently horrifyingly unfunny “comedy” (The Interview) to flop in a conventional manner was scuttled when it was pulled from conventional release as […]
Let’s talk about truth, justice, the “end times”, children’s education, and dominion (not necessarily in that order).

Over the past week of holiday wackiness (and I mean the good kind), I’ve been blessed to visit family in the Chicago area and spend Christmas day with Holly’s wing of our family here in Middle Tennessee. I’ve also had the opportunity to endure/savor assembling a supercool KidKraft retro-style kitchen for my precious 21-month-old gem, […]
The Rubber Sword of Toothless Truth

It looks awesome from a distance. Sounds great, too – whistling through the wind as its proud owner swings it here , there and everywhere, like a skilled and dangerous soldier or knight. But, at the end of the day, it’s just a toy. The wannabe soldier is merely pretending. His sword is a fake; an imitation without an edge. […]
The Gospel, the Great Commission, and the accomplished victory of Christ the King.

Whatever one’s views on seasonal celebrations in general or Christmas in particular, two general truths that we are well served to not only remember but cherish are: Everything in Christ’s creation was made by, through, and for Him. . While unbelievers are inherently inclined to corrupt the good things throughout Christ’s creation, their acts of corruption are fleeting and temporary. […]
Four Family-Empowering Techs That Christians Should Master

For all the “end times” wackiness unfolding around us, there’s a whole lot to be excited about in a very good way right here and right now in God’s creation. Sure, American culture is coming apart at the seams on a macro level in pretty much every realm of life as a consequence of its proud, ongoing rebellion against […]
How to truly love (and really save) America.

What does love mean? What does it mean to love someone or something? Most of us would describe love first as an intense emotion or feeling of endearment toward someone or something. Most of us would describe loving a person or thing then in very subjective, emotion-driven terms. And most of us would therefore be very, […]
How has “Christianity” paved the way for gender chaos insanity?

One of the easiest cultural “red (or pink) flags” for evangelical Christians to spot and critique is the plague of gender chaos that is even now sweeping over and radically redefining America before our eyes. Those advocating an “open”, “loving”, and “tolerant” approach to sexual identity and practice have had staggering success in reshaping and […]
Banks Inch “Mark of the Beast” Economics Toward Reality

“If the Bank of Montreal gets its way, Christians will not be able to work with any major corporation in this country. ” So warns an article posted by Canadian Values. The piece goes on to describe the increasingly aggressive approach of the Bank of Montreal on behalf of various anti-Christian groups, all in the name “diversity” and […]
Culture-Killer Smackdown: Strip Clubs vs. Public Schools – Which is more destructive?

What would you think if someone at your church was to suggest that a group of Deacons or Elders take on a mission to go and observe normal business activities for a few hours each and every week at a local strip club as part of a mission to “be salt and light” to the strippers and strip club patrons? […]
The slow boil and economic rape of the biblically illiterate.

What if God was real? I mean really real…not just “real to you” or “real to me” or some other self-centered silliness. What if He was not only real, but had spoken…with clarity and in detail? What if this actual, real God had spoken with detailed clarity as to how certain areas of life and […]
Torture for Terrorists + Christians as Terrorists = Torture for Christians

[5/16/15: As open hostility toward biblical Christianity in America continues to ramp up, and with the enforced culture-wide embrace of sexual perversion building momentum, this seems like a useful post to revisit.] Okay, let’s see if we can connect the dots here: “Terror” is what the State and its tools tell us it is. It’s what ISIS, al-Qaeda, […]
How American “Christianity” leads to Statism.

It is so very cool to have true Christian Family preserved throughout God’s creation of time and through whom we might learn of His perfect plan and purpose for His creation. . It’s also so very cool to have a loving, God-fearing wife who is interested in chasing after the life-preserving truths shown by the grace of God to […]
What is “the greatest force for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known”?

“. . . the United States of America will remain the greatest force for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known.” So ends today’s Statement by the President on the Report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The Senate report in question, known as “The Torture Report”, chronicles all sorts of activities […]
The love of [fake] money is the root of all kinds of evil.

“Of all the problems with fiat currency, the most basic is that it empowers the dark side of human nature. We’re potentially good but infinitely corruptible, and giving an unlimited monetary printing press to a government or group of banks is guaranteed to produce a dystopia of ever-greater debt and more centralized control, until […]
“God-given rights” are only as legit as the god giving them.

How many times have we heard (or even been) someone with little or no regard for God going on and on and on with a passionate description and defense of their “God-given rights”? We have the “right” to this, the “right” to that, and the “right” to the other thing over there. We can (and will) go […]
This Satanic Temple Holiday Display Has Been Brought To You By: American Pride and “Freedom”

So what does it look like for a culture to proudly, arrogantly, and openly mock God? Well, just check out this headline from CBS: Satanic Temple Approved For Capitol Holiday Display And what culture would dare to openly mock the God of creation in such a flagrant and vile manner? Why ‘Merica, of course. [insert […]
Dead Babies and Dying Dollars in Romans 1 America

For many of us, this isn’t even real anymore. It just can’t be. The steep and increasingly speedy decline of the America Idol is something that most Americans understandably have a hard time fully acknowledging, much less addressing in any meaningful way. The fall that we are personally experiencing doesn’t seem real or even possible […]
The Republican amnesty “collapse” is on.

There’s nothing like a good puppet show…at least when everyone is clear that what they’re watching is, in fact, a puppet show. Parroted lines and contrived plots can be fun in the proper context. Otherwise, they’re pretty much disastrous. Which brings us to 2014 America, where the Republican/Democrat Two-Step-to-Statism Show has been going on for […]
Oops! Ukraine’s gold just “disappeared”.

Robbery. Theft. Piracy. Fraud. These are synonyms for the fiat currency system of mass enslavement and elite empowerment under which we now live as crafted and deployed by Central Banks the world over. (See: Fiat $lavery: We have been bought and paid for…with nothing.) At the end of the day, for all of its flash, […]
Why is the beast of Socialism eating our children? Ask your pastor.

Ah, State-controlled children’s “education”. Is there anything more warmly regarded by the typical American? Right outta the Communist Manifesto, yet adored and defended by most professing conservatives in America. Built plainly upon the satanic approach to the pursuit of knowledge, yet adored and defended by most professing Christians in America. Talk about a gigantic, disgusting, yet very much cherished […]
Remember: Jesus doesn’t need your vote. He owns it (and you) aready.

With another election year November in the books, American Christians are well served to remind ourselves and the rest of the world (especially the proud American part) that Jesus Christ isn’t running for anything. Never has. Never will. He doesn’t need your vote (or anything else). Jesus is King. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is God. He […]
Well color me cool and call me villainous!

Darth Vader. Agent Smith. Dracula. Lex Luthor, Kahn, and The Joker. If there’s one unifying theme purposefully captured and propelled through the culture by these wildly popular mythological figures, what might it be? Is it darkness? Perhaps evil? Nope. Not that these fictional folks aren’t known for being openly and proudly dark and evil. They […]
Thank God for challenges!

If there’s one thing we’re not inclined to be thankful for, it’s challenges. I’m not talking about the “challenge” of stiff competition in a board game, on the ball field, or at the shooting range. I’m talking about the big and sometimes scary ones that come our way: Cancer. Starvation. Serious persecution. The loss of a loved one. […]
October 2014 Fire Breathing Christian

With the re-launch of Fire Breathing Christian into a dedicated blog site as of August 1 of this year, and with posts having been made almost daily for nearly four months now, it seemed like it might be a good time to send out monthly summaries with the titles and links to the articles posted in these first few […]
September 2014 Fire Breathing Christian

With the re-launch of Fire Breathing Christian into a dedicated blog site as of August 1 of this year, and with posts having been made almost daily for nearly four months now, it seemed like it might be a good time to send out monthly summaries with the titles and links to the articles posted in these […]
August 2014 Fire Breathing Christian

With the re-launch of Fire Breathing Christian into a dedicated blog site as of August 1 of this year, and with posts having been made almost daily for nearly four months now, it seemed like it might be a good time to send out monthly summaries with the titles and links to the articles posted in these first […]
The (unintended) truth of “No justice, no peace!”

“No justice, no peace!” In America, this means, “Do what we want or we will burn, pillage, and destroy.” It is the threat of lawlessness…offered under cover of justice. And it serves as a nice summary of just where American culture is when it comes to law, order, and peace. As we’ve touched on more than a […]
The Reality of Transhumanism and the Glory of God

We see and hear all kinds of crazy things these days…or at least we categorize them as “crazy” so that we might more comfortably push them off to the side, safely out of focus and away from serious consideration. And while that can seem to work for a while, it never really does. In the end, […]
Give me liberty and/or give me death!

As reported in The Telegraph Friday, The Libertarians planning to take over New Hampshire. While that sort of news may initially sound quite good to most conservative, liberty loving ears (like mine) – especially in light of this week’s leftward lurch toward totalitarianism in America, we are well served not to swill too enthusiastically or deeply from […]
Our great eternal adventure is underway…right here and now…

While reading about the looming presidential dictate regarding the legalization of millions of presently “illegal aliens”, a headline link in the margin of the page grabbed me. It read, “It’s ridiculous how beautiful Scarlett Johansson is!” While I’m not about to argue for or against the theoretical or actual ridiculousness of Ms. Johansson’s appearance, the […]
This gay pasta promotion has been brought to you by…American “Christianity”.

Talk about a bad macaroni art experience. Now we have “gay pasta” used to promote and proudly represent the decline of western civilization. I know, I know…this is getting old. Everything is gay this, LGBTQRSTUV that. And that’s part of their plan: The “Forces of Tolerance” and Orwellian liberty aim to wear us into submissive […]
Isn’t a good conversation just about the coolest thing?

Isn’t a good conversation just about the coolest thing? Yeah, it’s even better over a pizza and/or quality beverage, but those things, as beautiful and delicious as they may well be, are mere accessories to what is truly the main and most beautiful course in the best of meals, feasts, and gatherings. Of course, I’m talkin’ […]
Another Islamic State beheading and another 2,700 American babies butchered. Will we repent?

Tragedy and horror have stricken again. An act of great evil has been repeated and proudly publicized. The perpetrators of these vile acts are clearly operating from a place of great, demonic darkness. They are on a mission on behalf of their god, and they really, truly believe in their god and that mission. Meanwhile, […]
Islamic worship in American government? Sure. Why not?

Is America all about the freedom to worship any god? Of course! Does America – including the vast majority of its self-identified “conservative Christians” – hold up this “right” as a great and civilization-defining virtue worthy of emulation by all other people in all other lands? Of course! Then what’s the matter with an Islamic Imam formally […]
Privacy is for masters. Transparency is for slaves. Welcome to “the land of the free” and the home of the NSA.

Are Americans free? Or are we not? Do Americans have privacy? Or do we not? Do Americans actually own land privately? (See: “property tax”/rent-to-the-State) Or do we not? Do Americans live in anything resembling a “free market”? Or is the money printed out of thin air by a very few used to own and control […]
Will American Christians get even lazier in Heaven?

Will American Christians get even lazier in Heaven? That’s a tough one. First off, is it even possible to be lazier than the average American professing Christian? Perhaps, but only with supernatural assistance. Don’t laugh! (Okay, laugh a little, but after that please pull yourself together and continue reading…) If we stop to think about it, […]
ISIS gets biblically sound with its currency while America clings to Monopoly Money economics.

Well, at least someone is actively pursuing a biblically sound approach to money, currency, and economics at some level. And who is this maverick rising up against the fiat-currency fueled fiat-slavery system of Monopoly Money that now, for a season, dominates the globe? Who is it that has risen to shake off the shackles of […]
Would the Great Commission seem impossible if we believed in God?

Imagine, if you will, the following game-show scenario: The production features ten intelligent, honest, and sincere adults. These people, though they are very well educated in every other area of inquiry, have absolutely no knowledge of the Bible or Christianity whatsoever. One last bit of info on our ten hypothetical folks: They have a perfect […]
Gender Chaos: The Insanity (and Impossibility) of “Sex Change”

One of the more, um, flamboyant manifestations of the wrath of God pouring out upon a proud, unrepentant America, is our culture’s embrace of an “anything goes” approach to sexuality, which has metastasized into an anything goes attitude on the very concept of gender itself. We see it everywhere – in Starbucks commercials, Apple ads, […]
How did Christians destroy conservatism?

How did we end up with “conservatives” defending everything from Social Security and Medicare to State-controlled children’s “education”, which is straight out of the Communist Manifesto? How did we get a supposedly “right wing” political movement in America that is effortlessly molded and mobilized in support of one explicitly Socialist/Marxist policy after another, all while most of its […]
Another Big Gay (and “Christian” Enabled) Mark of the Beast…

For those of us wondering what The Mark of the Beast might look like if it is to be an actual, physical mark, the answer might not be nearly as mysterious as we’ve been lead to believe. Once we shed the presuppositions imposed through generations of infatuation with laughably bad “end times” theories and even […]