When “Christian Leaders” Divorce Scripture and Destroy Families, Part I: Tim Yarbrough’s Ministry of Abuse

[This is Part 1 of a three-part post chronicling a real-life nightmare scenario that would benefit greatly from prayers and help from the Church. Those with questions or an interest in helping are encouraged to text (if you have my number) or email me directly at Scott@FireBreathingChristian.com. Thank you!]

When “Christian Leaders” Divorce Scripture and Destroy Families, Part I: Tim Yarbrough’s Ministry of Abuse

What would you do if a “Reformed Christian Elder” had systematically abused justice in an attempt to destroy your family?

What would you do if this member of a “conservative, Bible-believing” Presbyterian church had covertly promoted and financed an unbiblical divorce, and then went on to advance that divorce in wildly unethical/unbiblical ways?

What would you do if you had just finished a wave of polygraph testing that supported every key point you had always claimed about this sad story? (A report accompanying one of these tests is presented at the end of this initial three-part post.)

What if you witnessed this Presbyterian Elder’s “ministry” groom your wife in accordance with his Woke worldview and business model, helping to transition her from an honest woman into a “ministry advocate” willing to lie repeatedly under oath while receiving major financial benefits and “religious cover” for blowing up her family?

What if this grooming process led your wife to reject the passions that once defined her life and immensely benefited your children (home education, vibrant homemaking, and active daily mothering)?  What if, in order to entice her in this direction, this Presbyterian Elder’s “ministry” offered many benefits, including:

This “ministry” approach is all part of a well-worn Woke playbook that begins by promoting divorce without even speaking with the husband. By the time the husband is only beginning to become aware of what is about to be done to his family by this “Presbyterian Elder”-led crew, the “ministry” already has a narrative of lies agreed upon and a mountain of resources (financial and otherwise) have been dumped into the lap of the accusing wife …all with no care for how any of these things are to be handled biblically. Disdain for biblical truth (and truth in general) is the norm here.

What if this “ministry”-run evisceration of justice was used to keep five little children away from the father and home they adore for well over a year? …and counting…(a separation that would never have been possible apart from the lies spun under oath and addressed here via polygraph)?

What would you think of the “Reformed Presbyterian Elder” leading that kind of “ministry”?

Sadly, these are not merely hypotheticals. They are references to real-world horrors shamelessly perpetrated over the past two years by Tim Yarbrough, a Reformed Presbyterian Elder platformed by the Free Presbyterian Church of North America. Each of these points will be addressed in this introductory post, with more detail to follow in future media as I work with legitimate Christian and secular ministries to help those who have been abused by “abuse advocacy” groups and faux-Christian ministries like Yarbrough’s. Apologies in advance for the length of this initial three-part installment, but there’s a lot of foundation to lay for material to come.

First, a bit of history for context…

“Reformed Christian Churches” as Hotbeds of Abuse

In mid-2022 . . . (click here to continue reading the full post)

The full post is hosted at the Fire Breathing Christian Substack page (AKA The Hellrazer Report).

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